Hot för minneshögtid av mördade ungdomar

Den 7 juni fick vår partner Youth Initiative for Human Rights ett hotbrev i vilket organisationen kallades för pro-fascistisk. Avsändaren av brevet krävde att alla som deltog i en manifestation till minne av att 71 personer, mestadels barn och ungdomar, dog i samband med en granatattack mot staden Tuzla (Bosnien och Hercegovina) den 25 maj 1995 ska lämna Serbien och flytta till Bosnien och Hercegovina inom ett år. Brevet var undertecknat av ”The Black Hand – Apis” och poststämplat i Australien. Youth Initiative for Human Rights har anmält hotet till inrikesministeriet.

– Vi uppmanar de serbiska myndigheterna att agera med stor beslutsamhet för att skydda landets människorättsförsvarare, som i det här fallet Youth Initiative for Human Rights. Det är viktigt att markera att den här typen av hot inte tolereras. För i grunden handlar det inte om enskilda individer eller organisationer utan om att värna yttrandefriheten och rättssäkerheten i samhället, säger Marie Månson, programansvarig för Västra Balkan.

Background by Youth Initiative for Human Rights:

On 7 June 2010, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) received a threatening letter bidding that members of “pro-fascist organizations Youth Initiative for Human Rights and My Initiative movement”, who partook in “Belgrade youth march in so-called memory of the youth murdered in Tuzla”, should leave their place of residence within a year and move “to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, so as to feel the benefits of human rights and other rights essential to every human being”. The letter signed with “The Black Hand – Apis” was sent from Australia.

In the opening part of the letter it is stressed that “all participants in the march will be tried by the summary court for failing to fulfill the task of their relocation, while as of 15 June 2010, they will be watched over until they have completed their task”. “If there are minors among them, then their parents must also leave Serbia”, quotes the letter, underscoring that the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS) was falsely accused of shelling the Gate of Youth in Tuzla on 25 May 1995, “while that was in fact carried out by the forces stationed in Tuzla under the command of American CIA, British SAS and NATO forces, with a view to blaming Serbs for the alleged massacre”.

Apropos marking the 15th anniversary of the massacre at Tuzla Gate, on 25 May 2010, YIHR organized a symbolic march along three sections of the Belgrade – Tuzla road, which ended in laying flowers at the Gate. On 25 May 1995, a shell fired from VRS position on the Ozren Mountain killed 71 persons on the promenade in the town of Tuzla, mostly youth and children.

YIHR reported the case to appropriate authorities within the Serbian Interior Ministry (MUP)
