The Gerald Nagler Human Rights Traineeship is intended for lawyers at the beginning of their careers with a documented interest in human rights. It is a one-year program at the Civil Rights Defenders’ head office in Stockholm.
Find all open positions hereAll previous trainees
- Abdi Hassan
- Rebecka Forsgren
- Jenny Nguyen
- Johan Nordqvist
- Anna Zotééva
- Siri Hedmalm
- Rami Al-khamisi
- Emma Moderato
- Aida Samani
- Nazli Pirayehgar
In the picture: Nazli Pirayehgar and Gerald Nagler. Nazli was the first lawyer to join the Gerald Nagler Human Rights Traineeship.
Are you interested in applying?
It is a one-year program at the Civil Rights Defenders’ head office in Stockholm. Please note that the traineeship requires you to be able to speak and write Swedish fluently.
You can find all of our open positions and internships here. If you want to know more about the traineeship, please contact us at or
In the picture: Gerald Nagler and Siri Hedmalm. Siri joined the Gerald Nagler Human Rights Traineeship in 2019.
We remember Gerald Nagler
Gerald Nagler was a prominent human rights activist, founder of Civil Rights Defenders, and Secretary General of the International Helsinki Federation of Human Rights from 1982 to 1992. Gerald Nagler, with his energetic civil courage and optimism, was a crucial force in promoting human rights in Sweden and internationally for over 40 years.
Gerald passed away on 23 July 2022 at the age of 92. We remember Gerald Nagler.