Board of Directors
Civil Rights Defenders has an independent, non-profit board of nationally and internationally recognised human rights experts and other professionals. The board is responsible for ensuring that the organisation’s operations are conducted in accordance with the organisation’s vision, mission and core values. The board is also responsible for internal control and that operations are conducted in an efficient manner. The members of the board are elected during the Annual Meeting, which is the organisation’s supreme decision-making body.
Board of Directors | Election Committee
Board of Directors

Hanna Gerdes
Chairperson of the Board | Lawyer
Board of Directors
Hanna Gerdes has worked nationally and internationally for 20 years to strengthen the protection of human rights and influence the development of society. Hanna is a lawyer in international law and has previously worked in strategic management and development roles at the Swedish Armed Forces, the Human Rights Fund, the Prime Minister’s Office and the Equality Ombudsman. Hanna has extensive experience in board work, in organisations such as RFSU and Forum Syd. She has also been a member of the Swedish Committee on Constitutional Damages and has authored several books and publications on human rights. Hanna was awarded the Diversity Index Award 2018.

Noura Berrouba
Board Member | President LSU – The National Council of Swedish Youth Organisations
Board of Directors
Noura Berrouba works full-time with democracy and human rights issues, focusing on the young civil society. She is the working president of LSU – the National Council of Swedish Youth Organisations. She has previously worked at the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa and at the department for foreign and security policy at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Noura has a background of studies in international humanitarian law and has worked in many national and international settings with democracy, human rights as well as peace and security.

Caroline Thunved
Board Member | CEO The Swedish Communication Association
Board of Directors
Caroline Thunved has over 25 years of experience working in communication, marketing and business development in both civil society and private industry. Caroline works as CEO of the Swedish Communication Association. She has extensive experience as a leader and has previously worked at Save the Children Sweden, the Guides and Scouts of Sweden and the Employers’ Organisation IDEA. She ranked high on Resumé’s top list of Supercommunicators and she won the Stora Kommunikatörspriset 2016.

Christian Åhlund
Board Member | Lawyer
Board of Directors
Christian is a member of the Swedish Bar Association since 1983 and has focused on international humanitarian law, labour law and criminal cases. Christian was the driving force behind the establishment of the International Legal Assistance Consortium (ILAC) in 2002 and its secretary-general until 2015. Christian has previously been chairman of the Swedish Bar Association’s Human Rights Committee and the European Human Rights Committee within the CCBE (Conseil Consultatif des Barreaux Européens). Since 2005, he has also been Sweden’s representative in the Council of Europe´s Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI).

Mårten Lundberg
Board member | CHRO/CMO Loomis AB
Board of Directors
Mårten Lundberg has a background in various international CHRO positions, has been responsible for sales and marketing for 10 years and has served as interim CEO. He is employed at Loomis AB since 2014 and is a member of the group management as CHRO / CMO. Mårten works with international business development and its effects on organization, leadership, and relevant HR areas. He is also the founder and CEO of ML Consult AB whose area of service is consulting within the above.

Théo Jaekel
Board member | Independent advisor on business and human rights
Board of Directors
Théo Jaekel is a lawyer, specialising in business and human rights and international law. His previous experiences include leading the global legal human rights team at Ericsson, establishing and leading the human rights work at the law firm Vinge, and conducting investigations on corporate responsibility at Swedwatch. Théo has extensive experience in board work within organisations such as Transparency International Sweden, UN Global Compact Sweden, and the Global Network Initiative. Théo now works as an independent advisor on business and human rights.

Ulla Andrén
Board Member
Board of Directors
Ulla Andrén has worked with development cooperation and diplomacy for over 40 years, primarily within Sida and the Foreign Ministry, with a focus on Africa and Eastern Europe. Ulla has been Head of Department at Sida and the Swedish Ambassador to Mozambique. For the past five years, she has been Head of the Regional Development Cooperation Section at the embassy of Sweden in Addis Abeba. Ulla has also worked as a consultant specialised on development cooperation, as well as with efficiency audits at the Swedish National Audit Office. In total, she has lived and worked for almost 20 years in Africa.

Lena Svensson
Board Member | Economist, senior advisor focusing on the nonprofit sector
Board of Directors
Lena Svensson is a former certified public accountant and partner at PwC. She has several years of experience as an accountant and advisor in the nonprofit sector and has, among other things, worked with organisations within the fundraising and international development sectors. Beyond leading numerous audit teams, Lena has held several leadership roles within PwC, namely as group manager and business area manager, and has been responsible for developing PwC’s nonprofit sector department. Today, Lena holds several board positions and works as a consultant, specialising in associations and foundations.
Election Committee
Catharina Mannerfelt Election Committee
Marcela Mieres Eneroth Election Committee
Carin Norberg Election Committee
Seher Yilmaz Election Committee