Statements about human rights, the situation and developments in repressive regions around the world.
On 19 December the Russian Duma will begin the first reading of a bill which, if passed, effectively will ban “propaganda of homosexuality” in the country. The bill is allegedly aimed at protecting ch...
Civil Rights Defenders strongly condemns the fact that the infamous so-called anti-gay bill once again is on the table in the Ugandan parliament, and urges president Museveni to use his veto to block ...
The Night Watch – this is what a group of about 20 Russia Young activists called the late-night act of vandalism on the premises of two internationally funded Russian human rights organisations as wel...
On 14 November, highly controversial amendments to the treason law, that expands the definition of treason, took effect in Russia. This happened only two days after Vladimir Putin expressed willingnes...
Last week, the Russian parliament voted for amendments to existing legislation that widens the legal definition of treason, equating it to espionage, and adds international organisations to the list o...
Civil Rights Defenders and other human rights organisations today urge that Thai magazine editor and human rights defender Somyot Prueksakasemsuk be immediately released from 17-month pre-trial detent...
Civil Rights Defenders is greatly concerned by the proposed amendments to the law on NGOs in Russia, which would designate human rights organisations as “foreign agents” for receiving funds from abroa...
We are deeply concerned about the poor conditions of 30 Roma families living in Albania. Together with our partner, the Albanian Helsinki Committee we have sent a letter to the local Government of the...
In a letter we urge the president of Kosovo not to sign the changes in the criminal code. The new amendments are a threat against freedom of expression in Kosovo and could limit the work of our partne...
Together with our partners we have sent a letter to the President of Serbia and institutions within the EU urging them to immediately release Hasan Abazi. Hasan Abazi, the president of Kosovo’s Metalw...
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