Deficiencies in Implementation of Transitional Laws

Serbian authorities are still not doing enough toward ensuring implementation of recently enacted laws and enabling unobstructed operation of independent institutions, according to findings in a report by Youth Initiative for Human Rights and Civil Rights Defenders.

For several years we have been monitoring and testing so called non judicial mechanisms in Serbia. The results are published annually in the report Implementation of Transitional Laws in Serbia.

Even though provisions pertaining to human rights protection, in line with European standards, have been incorporated into Serbian legislation, their implementation is still unsatisfactory.

According to the report certain laws serve the authorities solely for promotion before international institutions and organisations, rather than to improve citizens’ position and the rule of law in Serbia.

The report contains results of monitoring the implementation of the Anti-Discrimination Law, the Law on Churches and Religious Communities and provisions of the Public Information Act which outlaw hate speech.

A separate part of the report pertains to monitoring the implementation of international and local legislative acts which guarantee national minority rights. Respect of rights of Bosniaks in Sandzak and Albanian minority in the municipalities of Preshevo and Bujanovac were also monitored. Read the report here: Implementation of Transitional Laws in Serbia 2009.
