Club “Lannung” from Denmark is the winner of 9th Trans-European Moot Court Competition

During November 17 – 18, Civil Rights Defenders organised the 9th Trans-European Moot Court Competition, which took place in Strasbourg. The event has brought together two teams – “Iustitia” from Niš, Serbia, and “Lannung” from Copenhagen, Denmark, which won regional competitions earlier this year.
Trans-European Moot Court Competition is the event that brings together winners of the Regional Moot Court Competition for Southeast Europe and winners of the Nordic Moot Court competition. After months of hard work and preparations, the teams have met in Strasbourg before the European Court of Human Rights, in order to practice their competencies in human rights laws and present a case in a real court setting.
This year’s case was dedicated to the imaginary country of Citia, where a local community is strongly opposed to the construction of a new mine, since it would affect their neighbourhood and environment. They believe that they have rights to the land because the government had previously granted them hunting and grazing rights in the area, and building the mine would infringe upon their ability to exercise those rights. Moreover, the area is of great importance for their religion, economy, hunting and gathering – all to survive economically and foodwise for the rest of the year.
Therefore, the community has turned to the European Court of Human Rights, which has determined that their application has been filed in time and is admissible.
After competing in two matches, during which each team had a chance to perform as both, an Applicant and Respondent State, the judges have announced this year’s winner – Club “Lannung” from Copenhagen.
Civil Rights Defenders has been organising Regional Moot Court Competition since 2007, and Trans-European competition since 2013. It has become one of the organisation’s long-lasting traditions. For many students of law faculties in Europe, it has become a valuable opportunity to develop their competences, network, as well as meet judges and future colleagues from different countries and regions.
We are grateful to all participants and judges who have been with us through all these years, and we are looking forward to marking the 10th anniversary of Trans-European Moot Court Competition next year!