Part-Time Communications & Outreach Consultant Wanted for Albania Project

Civil Rights Defenders is looking for a part-time Communications and Outreach Consultant to support with raising awareness for the “I participate! My voice, my vote counts’’ project.
The project is funded by the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) and is implemented in Albania by Civil Rights Defenders, Albanian Helsinki Committee and Institute for Political Studies. This project aims to strengthen civil society’s capacity to promote, advocate and support democratic processes, the integrity of elections and political transparency.
The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness for the engagement of citizens’ democratic processes/elections and it will include public forums in Albanian Universities, info-graphs, videos and public statements on major developments in the country. All these materials will be published on the project website. The consultant will provide feedback and ideas on the content as well as to support the aspect of communication and outreach of these materials.
To read more about the requirements and expectations, please have a read through the Terms of Reference.
All applicants should submit a Cover Letter, CV and Expected Remuneration for the consultancy to by 31 December at the latest.