391 Cuban Human Rights Defenders in Open Letter to Margot Wallström
In June, 391 Cuban human rights activists wrote an open letter to show their support regarding the Swedish government’s decision to not ratify the criticised cooperation agreement between Cuba and EU. However, the Swedish government has now proposed a ratification of the agreement again – without any changes.
The Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and Cuba, negotiated between 2014 and 2016 and without any civil society insight, gives the Cuban government a range of trade and foreign aid benefits. EU and Cuba signed the agreement in 2016, but all individual member states still need to ratify before it applies.
In June this year, the Swedish government decided to withdraw their proposal to ratify the deal. This decision was met by strong support from Cuban human rights defenders and democracy activists. In an open letter to Sweden’s former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Margot Wallström, 391 Cuban human rights defenders signed a letter in support of the government’s decision.
However, the Swedish government has now, once again, proposed a ratification of the agreement to the Swedish Parliament. There are no changes in the proposed agreement, of which Civil Rights Defenders remains highly critical. The question we now ask is: which side is the Swedish government and parliament on – the Cuban human rights defenders’ or the Cuban government’s?
Read the letter in full here:
Open Letter
Havana, August 26, 2019
Your excellency Ms. Margot Elisabeth Wallström, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden
The government of Sweden decided on 12 June to not ratify the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement, promoted by the European Union with the government of Cuba.
The signatories below, as citizens and civil society activists, support that critical decision of your government. The Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement, signed in November 2016 and that includes a dialogue in relation to human rights, must be something more than a gesture of willingness to sign pacts and agreements, and become a gesture of will to behave in accordance with their spirit and nature.
Since 2016, the behavior of the Cuban government regarding human rights has only worsened. Arbitrary detentions; violence against civil society actors, essentially within arts and culture which includes gender-based violence against civically proactive citizens; physical and psychological torture; punishment of entrepreneurs within the private sector and against workers who express social concerns, have become the daily practice of state officials at all levels and in all areas. In spite of the fact that the Cuban government is a signatory of the United Nations Convention against Torture and several important agreements of the International Labor Organization.
The latest public events that demonstrate this willingness to effectively deny the spirit of the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement have been the repression against particularly vulnerable communities such as the LGBTI+ –community, and the prohibition of Cuban citizens from traveling, both within Cuba and abroad, under the new illegal category “Regulated”.
Several events are particularly sensitive: the sacking of Professor Omara Ruiz Urquiola for political reasons from the Higher Institute of Industrial Design – a practice systematically used against professionals, academics and journalists–; the hunger strike by religious activist and independent journalist Guillermo del Sol Pérez, calling for international attention and the attention of the Cuban government to the clear violations of Article 52 of the Cuban Constitution that recognizes the right of Cuban citizens to freedom of movement; the recent prison sentence against independent journalist Roberto Quiñones Haces; the conviction and imprisonment of rapper Maykel Castillo Pérez and the existence of more than 130 political prisoners in Cuban prisons.
All this, that violate the laws and the constitution, demonstrates that the Cuban government is not prepared to respect the international treaties and agreements that it has signed, nor the internal legal system itself, that recognizes and protects the exercise of certain rights. The newly approved Constitution that entered into force on April 10 clearly establishes and recognizes a series of constitutional rights and guarantees, that could and should be respected by the Cuban authorities.
The signatories behind this Open Letter do not oppose, in principle, dialogue and cooperation with the government and people of Cuba. On the contrary, we believe in the virtues of dialogue as a concept, approach and strategy. We note, however, that strategic agreements cannot be reached with governments that do not seriously respect their international commitments or their own rules of coexistence established by themselves, many of which are imposed avoiding the consensus of the citizens.
Identifying ourselves with the foreign policy you have defined as Drive for Democracy, we believe that the ratification of the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and Cuba must take place on the basis of:
The expressed commitment by the Cuban government to respect the rights and guarantees contained in the newly approved Constitution.
The cessation of harassment and repression against proactive citizens in the Cuban civil society.
The end of the hate crime machinery being built up within sectors of the Cuban society, where officials of the highest ranks of the State participate, which has manifested itself in particular against women in civil society.
The release of unjustly incarcerated prisoners, often allegedly responsible for political crimes or for using their freedom of expression, including freedom of artistic expression.
The gradual construction of a human rights dialogue between Cubans and,
The ratification of the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights, and on Social, Economic and Cultural rights, signed by the previous Cuban government in 2008.
We know that a new round of dialogue between civil society organisations of the European Union and Cuban civil society organisations will take place next October. This would be a good opportunity for European civil society organisations that wish to meet with organisations of independent Cuban civil society in all its diversity. That would be a sign that the European dialogue is also a dialogue with the entire Cuban people.
Finally, we ask your government to support the invitation, signed so far by more than 1 500 Cuban citizens representing the most diverse sectors of society, to Michelle Bachelet so that she, in her capacity as High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations, visits our country and freely meet with Cuban authorities and citizens.
With the testimony of our highest consideration, we sign this Open Letter:
- Félix Navarro Rodríguez – President of the Party for Democracy Pedro Luis Boitel Abraham
- Omara Ruiz Urquiola – Activist and teacher
- Ariel Ruiz Urquiola – Activist and biologist
- Amaury Pacheco del Monte – Artist, San Isidro Movement
- Iris Ruiz Hernández – Actress, San Isidro Movement
- Juan Carlos Linares BalmasedaInclusive Culture
- —Odalina Guerrero LaraNetwork – Independent lawyer
- Julio César Figueredo Licea —Activist
- Oscar Casanella Saint-Blancard —Activist and biologist
- Jorge Enrique – Poet and independent journalist
- Boris González Arenas – Historian and journalist
- Iliana Hernández Cardoso —Activist and freelance journalist
- Roberto de Jesús Quiñones Haces —Lawyer and freelance journalist
- Sayli Navarro Álvarez —Dama de Blanco, CubaDecide activist
- María M Benítez Rodríguez —COPE National Coordinator
- María E. Mir Marrero —Coordinator a RELLIC National
- Eralidis Frometa Polanco – Executive Secretary of Organization DELIBERA
- Zuleydis Pérez Velázquez —RELLIC National Coordinator
- Johana Formigo Galeano
- Niurka Carmona Carmona —Vice COPE Coordinator
- Yamilka Abascal Sánchez
- Elsa Litsy Isacc Reyes
- Yanet Díaz Santiago
- David Escalona Carrillo (David D’Omni) —Artist
- Enix Berrios Sardá — Speaker of the Democratic Action Unit
- Juan Alberto de la Nuez Ramírez —President of the Citizen Movement for Reflection and Reconciliation.
- José Díaz Silva —President Movement Opponents for a New Republic
- Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca – Coordinator Organization DELIBERA
- Dariem Columbié Grave de Peralta —National Coordinator Platform #Otro18
- Yaima Herrera Jiménez — Human Project Lázaro Eni
- Manuel Cuesta Morúa — Progressive Arch
- Osmay Vázquez Aranda
- Rolando Juseff Pérez Morena
- Roberto Jiménez Gutiérrez -Movement Cuba Unida Juventud Activa
- Victor Manuel Domínguez García -Writer and independent journalist
- Juan Adonis Valdes Maseda -Actor and activist
- Francisco Rangel Manzano
- Rosabal Kendra Dominguez
- Kenisleydis Hernández Dominguez
- Misleydis Lazo Trujillo
- Katia Hernández Torres
- Barbaro de la Nuez Ramirez
- Alvaro de la Nuez Pis
- Yasmany de la Nuez Veitía
- Severiano Ramírez Díaz
- Pedro Ramírez Díaz
- Miguel Coba García
- Tomás Álvarez García
- Wilfredo Álvarez García
- Juan Carlos Villegas Amador
- Juan Valencia Rodríguez del Rey
- Yoel Ramírez Peña
- Alejandro Morales Alonso
- Yosvany Soc arras González
- Jesús Catalino Morejón Díaz
- Dayanti Morejón Loriga
- Soraya Quijano Silva
- Yerdlim Vera Perdomo
- Doraisa Correoso Pozo
- Yadira Frontella Bacallao
- Jesús Miguel Jiménez Zayas
- Orlando Delgado Delgado
- Pedro Larena and Valles
- Yoslovy Piñol Morfa
- Frank O. Deroncele Correoso
- Ramón Rafael González Pentón
- Eduad Blanco Luis
- Yasiel González Quijano
- Isel Ramírez Ledesma
- Nordelys González Ruiz
- Adrian Rodríguez Morera
- Salvador Correoso Martínez
- Nancy Morera Violat
- Adiel Rodríguez González
- Rancer Domínguez Rodríguez
- José Ramón López Rivera
- Vizmayka Amelo Jardines
- Alcibiades Urizuela Angulo
- Joel Díaz Hernández
- Maykel Peña Blanco
- Odalys Castle Cosme
- Marlenis Medina Gutiérrez
- María Elena
- Naples Naples Cortón
- Carlos Manuel Collazo Ojeda
- Marcelino Velázquez García
- Yanier Polished Frontella
- Vladimir Trejo González
- Ariel Roja Miro
- Yahima Rubio Fabré
- Osvany Roche Rodríguez
- Dalia Ayala Rodríguez
- Junior Camejo Hernández
- Andry Noel Tamayo
- Rinaldo Cortón Viskay
- Oricel Gala Ramos
- Maricel Talles Saldinas
- Yamarilis Potrie Correoso
- María Eugenia C. Correoso Martínez
- Isabel Nuñez Taboada
- Yasmany Vázquez Morales
- Irina Charity León Valladares
- Lisandra Orraca Guerra
- Ariel González Cuevas
- Andrés N. Correoso Well
- Juan Pablo Correoso Well
- Andrés N. Correoso Sánchez
- Diorlis Sánchez Telles
- Rosa G. Delegate
- Ana Margarita Mulet Hernández
- Yoel Alberto Romero Rivera
- Danaisy Muñoz López
- Guillermo Labiste Espinoza
- Rosaida González Escalona
- Julio César Morales González
- Rodolfo Cruz Regalado
- Roberto Rodríguez Urra
- Cirilo Quiñones López
- Geile Quintero Sánchez
- Armando Moreira Rodríguez
- Juan de la Nuez Sosa
- Yokendri Rico Arrean
- Yasniel Golán Núñez
- Kirenia Céspedes Pérez
- Juan Fortines Pérez
- Ernesto Cabrera Fernández
- Irisley Engroba González
- Roberto González Fair
- Roberto Perdomo Fuentes
- Joan Fuentes Arias
- Saúl López Almarales
- Carlos Contreras Rondón
- José Antonio Mateo Díaz
- Mariana de los Angeles Aranda Mato
- Gabriel Ernesto Torres Vázquez
- Yamilay Moya Aranda
- Agustín Alonso Stop
- Roilan Álvarez Rendoler
- Maylin Alonso Pérez
- Lucy Morales Miralles
- Josselin Rodríguez Díaz
- Ángel Mario Peña Arias
- Felipe Hernández Chacón
- Jorge Carlos Frometa Matos
- José Manuel García Rivero
- Alex Pérez Rondón
- Ezequiel Ávila López
- José Luis Quesada Ríos
- Pedro Figueredo Guerra
- Yunaisy Carracedo Milanés
- Pedro Mulen de la Cruz
- Amador Blanco Hernández
- Norberto Mesa Carbonell
- Pedro Francisco Villafaña
- Lemis Tarajano
- Milagros Garmendias Murt
- Luis Jaime Meriño
- Luis Enrique Guerrero Pérez
- Desideria Idalgis Prieto Lachel
- Rosaida González Escalona
- Manuel Alexander Pérez Velázquez
- Virginia Velázquez Toledo
- Luis Manuel Fuentes Chacón
- Daymara Felipe López
- Sandra Rizo González
- Sadelis Domínguez Rizo
- Oscar Luis Milian Reinoso
- Juana Ruiz Aparicio
- Nairobis Schery Suárez
- Yanisledys Sanamé Suárez
- Fabian Pedroso Moreira
- Laritza Galeano Ferrer
- Roberto Formigo Ortiz
- Miladis Ferrer Estrada
- María Ortiz Jullian
- Claudia Ro dríguez Leliebre
- Annia Beatriz Place Medina
- Jean Paul Bermúdez Salina
- Miguel Antonio Calderin Ortiz
- Salvelio Validity Ortiz
- Eliecer Reconso Fernández
- Magda Onelvis Mendoza Díaz
- Isabel Naranjo L’O
- Luisa Cuenca Benavidez
- Reina González Batista
- Andrés Reyes Tejadilla
- Osmar de Jesús Pérez Pujada
- René Guzmán Bonilla
- Dania González Gutiérrez
- Yarisleydis Batista González
- Ileana Torres Fuentes
- Onelis Calderin Alvarades
- Michael Bejerano Martínez
- Lester Villar López
- Simona López Guzmán
- Diosdado Graverán Osorio
- Rafael Rosales Sánchez
- Leonardo Valdés Noroña
- Carmen Luisa Ricardo Acosta
- Alexis García Barceló
- William Miranda Martínez
- Rolando Díaz Silva
- Mario Alberto Hernández Leyva
- Wibel Acevedo Cobas
- Humberto Michael González Zamora
- Adrian Curenea Steven
- Carlos Tamayo Frías
- Olga Herrera Díaz
- Leandro Fidalgo Pupo
- Ángel Castro Carrera
- Justo Antonio Paz Domínguez
- Dainellys Esteban Ramírez
- Nancy Quiñones Gonzales
- Alexus Rosell Lafita
- Yassire Veitia Quiñones
- Yunisleivys Borrero Fernández
- Naidel Pupo Quiñones
- Lázaro Antonio Pérez González
- Ordelis Manuel González Yanez
- Pedro Wenceslao La Huardoa Arteaga
- Yoel Arteaga Neck
- Ernesto Leonardo Soler Nieves
- Dunia Díaz Vila
- Osmany Acosta Patiño
- Jorge González González
- Mercedes Galán Isaac BarLe
- Julio César Salgado Rosillo
- Luis Jesús Gutiérrez Campos
- Abel Boroto Roca
- Roberto Lázaro Bareta Rubalcaba
- Manuel Velázquez Licea
- Alcibiades Idelmaro Brizuela Angulo
- Radamé Reina Echavarría
- Osmar Ochoa Contrera
- Luis Enrique Tamayo Mendoza
- Juventino Díaz Suárez
- Manuela de Moya Paredes
- Daisy Aranda Reyes
- Carlos Reina Maceo
- Julio Ernesto Suárez Moreno
- Raide Dinza Pérez
- Caridad María
- Buranete GómezBurma
- CarlosMartínez
- Félix Pérez Palenzuela
- Divaldo Valcarcel González
- Reinaldo Batista Castellanos
- Zenén Daniel Cruz
- Lázara Rodríguez Roteta
- Mayra García Álvarez
- Jorge Luis Aveleira Rodríguez
- Julia Silvia González Fundora
- Rogelio Aragón Duke
- Aloy Betancourt Mé ndez
- Annia Zamora Carmenate
- Fidel Morejon Delgado
- Aleida Cofiño Rivera
- Jose Antonio del Cueto Carreño
- Leylandis Bridges Barba
- Alain Virgilio Bridges Barba
- Gilberto Santana Martinez
- Roberto Ascencio López Ramos
- José Marcelino Ferrera Riverón
- José Ferrera Vázquez
- Onelio Mesa Noda
- Osniel Carmona Beijo
- Mirna Dominguez Sanchez
- Maykel Hernandez Salazar
- Michel Valladares Cala
- Yusniel Pupo Carralero
- Reinaldo Corton Vizkay
- MariselTellezSaldinas
- VazquezPupoZaray
- Iyolexsi Despaigne Poey
- ZaidariPontes Muñoz
- Dualsis D.DiazVazquez
- Alexander Fernandez Ramirez
- Maria del Carmen AguileraCala
- Juan Miguel AriasCala
- Cristian Hernandez Hernandez
- UlicerRafael Hernández López
- González Forteza Elisbel
- Justo Javier Sánchez Izquierdo
- Gabriela Viciedo Valle
- Carlos Rodríguez Becerra
- Pedro Rodríguez Cuba
- Michel Piñeiro Hernández
- Midaysi Marrero Gil
- Pedro Luis Ortiz Ramírez
- Luisa María Ramírez Gil
- Victoria Mercedes Lorenzo Rodríguez
- Edis Rosa Reina
- Rolando Ruiz Mira
- Jorge Luis Rodríguez Abreu
- Celso Luis Díaz Morales
- Jorge Luis Castellanos Dominguez
- Pedro Peña Miras
- Joan Javier Almaguer Laguna
- Alexis Díaz Ortega
- Maikel Escobar Ceballos
- Evis Yuneiy García Coto
- Ordelis Manuel González LLanes
- Maidelys Lobaina Morgado
- Wilber Acevedo Cobas
- Alexander Martínez Sucen
- Jorge González González
- Luis Armando Malvares Sánchez
- Donel Baños Sotolongo
- Juan Carlos Diaz Fonseca
- Yorka Torres Saura
- Alberto Perdomo Vazquez
- Yunith Blanco Fernández
- Rolando López Quiñones
- Manuel Santana Vega
- Alberto Prieto Estrada
- Olianis Hernandez Ortega
- William Nelson Morgado Amador
- Victor Vicente Arcia Suarez
- Eduardo Caballero Quesada
- Jorge Fernández Mora
- Felix Orsidio Navarro Zerguera
- Dionalda Vaillan del Toro
- Jorge Muise Mexico Perdomo
- Joel Hernández Fernández
- Dagoberto Hernández Fernández
- Mario Castellanos Frías
- Juan Ramón Rondón Hechavarria
- Ismael Santiago Leme
- Yamilay de Moya Paredes
- Alfredo Ochoa Vázquez
- Yoenis Chacón Matos
- Israel Perdomo Fuentes
- Maykel Os orio Díaz
- Ernesto Torres Villanueva
- Alberto Sosa Sánchez
- Juan Antonio de la Nuez Sosa
- Eugenia Ramírez Díaz
- Rule Mercedes Baro Ramírez
- Neri Baro Ramírez
- Leonor Veitía Morales
- José Veitía Morales
- Daniel Méndez Alba
- Antina Ramírez Díaz
- Ismael Ramírez Díaz
- Rey Morfa Fuentes
- Fidel Morfa Fuentes
- Emilio Quevedo de la Nuez
- Víctor Quevedo de la Nuez
- Mabel Martínez Martínez
- Yurima Montalvo Cairo
- Kirenia Céspedes Pérez
- Pedro Montalvo Barceló
- Leidy Laura Valdés Martínez
- Armando Abascal Serrano[Textbrytning]
- Carlos Olivera Martínez[Textbrytning]
- Félix Pérez Palenzuela[Textbrytning]
- Orlando Rodríguez Rodríguez[Textbrytning]
- Jorge Luis Aveleira Rodríguez[Textbrytning]
- Zenén Daniel Cruz[Textbrytning]
- Reinaldo Batista Castellanos[Textbrytning]
- Fidel Morejón Delgado[Textbrytning]
- Norma Cabrera Valiente[Textbrytning]
- Lázara León Cabrera[Textbrytning]
- Orleydis González Ramírez[Textbrytning]
- Nancy Gutiérrez Toirac[Textbrytning]
- Israel Landín González[Textbrytning]
- Eladio Esteban Guerrero Pérez[Textbrytning]
- Mercedes Pérez Pérez Hernández[Textbrytning]
- Sonia Álvarez Campello[Textbrytning]
- Ricardo Santana Piloto;[Textbrytning]
- Irania Quintana Tab;[Textbrytning]
- Yosvani Martínez Vecino
- Alberto Sigler Estada
- Madelyn Torreblanca Sánchez
- Tereza Guerra Noguera
- Dayami Gómez Morell
- Mirella Sánchez Fiallo
- Yusleydy Romero Becerra coordinator Occidental province[Textbrytning]+ Women + Human Rights
- Zaray Fernández García
- Idisbel Silva Cepero
- Yarisbel Silva
- Lázara Sánchez Fiallo, Project Coordinator + Women + Human Rights
- Irel Gómez Moreira
- Zaray García Fernández Coordinator Province Central + Women + Human Rights
- Roxanne del Carmen Martínez Pérez Coordinator Eastern Provinces
- Jesús Silva Gala Coordinator Support Network Camagüey in Pinar del Río
- Oscar Milan Reinoso Coordinator Province Villa Clara[Textbrytning]Members of Villa Clara
- Jaime Castillo Jova
- Jesús Cruz Moreno ,
- Leandro González Castro
- Alberto Echevarría González