President Putin has signed a law that will allow the Constitutional Court of Russia to deem as unenforceable decisions from the International Courts including the European Court of Human Rights. “This...
In less than a month since the passing of a controversial law on “Undesirable Foreign and International Organisations” the Russian authorities have now taken steps towards banning 12 overseas organisa...
Civil Rights Defenders is extremely concerned by yesterday’s violent attack against the Committee Against Torture’s Joint Mobile Group (JMG) in Chechnya and demand that the Russian State fully investi...
The final stumbling block to the passing of the draconian “Undesirable Foreign and International Organisations” law was overcome the end of May when President Putin officially signed it into law. Any ...
In January of this year Russian authorities took new steps to further shrink the space that civil society can operate in by proposing a new law on “undesirable foreign and international organisations”...
The Russian authorities have recently accused the Centre for Social and Psychological Help and Judicial Aid for Victims of Discrimination and Homophobia (Maximum) of being a foreign agent. Maximum, a ...
Russian authorities have taken new steps to further shrink the space that civil society can operate in by proposing a new law on “undesirable foreign and international organisations”. On January 20 th...
Recently state-controlled Russian channel, NTV featured a piece about Civil Rights Defenders’ long term partner Memorial suggesting that the organisation was supporting terrorists and radical gr...
After the adoption of state laws banning propaganda of homosexuality amongst minors LGBT Defenders working in state educational institutions have been increasingly subjected to dismissal in Russia bec...
On 23 May 2014 the Zamoskvoretskiy District Court rejected an appeal by Memorial Human Rights Center, a leading Russian human rights NGO against the prosecutor’s order requiring it to register as a ”f...
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