On 17 September the seventh International Festival of Queer Culture kicks off in St. Petersburg, Russia. Running until 27 September, the festival is a unique human rights event created to develop open...
The recent Russian Law on “Undesirable Foreign Organisations” saw the first overseas NGO, the US based organisation National Endowment for Democracy (NED) added to the blacklist. Signed into law by Pr...
Civil Rights Defenders is extremely concerned by yesterday’s violent attack against the Committee Against Torture’s Joint Mobile Group (JMG) in Chechnya and demand that the Russian State fully investi...
The final stumbling block to the passing of the draconian “Undesirable Foreign and International Organisations” law was overcome the end of May when President Putin officially signed it into law. Any ...
In January of this year Russian authorities took new steps to further shrink the space that civil society can operate in by proposing a new law on “undesirable foreign and international organisations”...
On 13 April, 2015 three unidentified men sprayed asphyxiating gas into the office of our partner Maximum an LGBT organisation based in Murmansk, Russia injuring two individuals. There has been a histo...
The Russian authorities have recently accused the Centre for Social and Psychological Help and Judicial Aid for Victims of Discrimination and Homophobia (Maximum) of being a foreign agent. Maximum, a ...
On 4 January Murad Magomedov, a lawyer working for Civil Rights Defenders’ long term partner Memorial Human Rights Center, was severely beaten by several unidentified attackers in the center of ...
Russia’s Supreme Court has dismissed the Justice Ministry’s petition to shut down the Russian Historical, Educational, Human Rights and Charitable Society Memorial (Society Memorial), one of Russia’s ...
Russian authorities have taken new steps to further shrink the space that civil society can operate in by proposing a new law on “undesirable foreign and international organisations”. On January 20 th...
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