“Vota Vlen!” Website Launched to Support Voter Engagement in Albania

Civil Rights Defenders is pleased to announce the launch of “Your Vote Counts!” (Vota Vlen!), a website that supports civic engagement and democratic accountability for the upcoming Parliamentary Elections in Albania on 25 April 2021.
In previous years, citizen’s participation in the elections has decreased due to a lack of trust in political parties and their platforms as well as increased pressure and inability to have their voices heard. Particularly among youth, a high level of apathy and distrust have been noted, in light of the elections. As such, we launched VotaVlen.Al, that serves as a tool for voter education and engagement. It aims to help Albanian citizens engage better in democratic processes on a local and national level, and educate them about their rights, the obligations of duty bearers and the legally prescribed mechanisms for involvement in decision-making processes and elections.
Specifically, the site offers first-time and young voters a Checklist/Agenda (how to prepare, what to bring etc.); information about their closest Voting centre; easy-reading and Interactive materials, including videos and infographics; and a Survey to convey their overall impressions about the election process. The website also includes Education materials, including reports on election irregularities, infringements of voters’ rights, and studies highlighting the human rights perspective.
The website was implemented in the framework of the “I Participate! My Voice, My Vote Counts” project, by Civil Rights Defenders, together with the Albanian Helsinki Committee and Institute for Political Studies, and the support of the European Union.
As part of the project, last month we published a series of policy papers related to Albania’s 2021 elections and civic participation.