South East European Legal Days (SEELD 2.0) – Register Now!

On 9-11 November 2020, Civil Rights Defenders will be organising the South East European Legal Days (SEELD 2.0). The three-day virtual conference will consist of six different panel discussions related to ‘Human rights in times of crisis’.
For the second consecutive year, the event will represent a unique gathering of esteemed lawyers, legal experts, representatives of judiciary, independent institutions and academies, civil society organizations and human rights activists. It aims to enhance and further develop regional cooperation in the field of rule of law and respect for human rights, as well as the exchange of experiences between different actors and assist in the European integration of the Western Balkans.
This year’s panel discussions will focus on the topics related to human rights protection, namely Human rights in the state of emergency, Article 19: How do we protect the right to receive and impart information, Transparency of the process of enrolment and education of future judges and prosecutors (Panel of the Judicial Academy), Human rights at law faculties (Panel of the Council of Europe), Becoming a human rights lawyer, Gender equality in the Western Balkans. The full agenda with information about speakers and session times can be accessed here.
Due to circumstances related to the Covid-19 pandemic, all six panels will take place online, via multi-lingual web conferencing platform, KUDO. Live translations will be available in English, BCMS, Macedonian, Albanian and for selected panels in Turkish. More information about KUDO and how to connect to the sessions will be provided upon registration.
In order to participate, kindly fill in this brief registration form. During the event, participants will have the opportunity to send questions for speakers, so that the panels will be interactive.
SEELD 2.0 is supported by USAID Rule of Law Project and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).