Legal Services for Marginalised Groups
In Albania a Law on Legal Aid was adopted in December 2008 and entered into force in April 2009. At the moment, however, access to justice is not equal for all citizens. Together with Tirana Legal Aid Society (TLAS) Civil Rights Defenders provide legal services for individuals belonging to marginalised groups through court and administrative procedures. This gives people better access to their legal rights and welfare benefits.
The lack of access to justice is affecting the Roma population and other minorities more negatively than other groups. In order to avoid the discrimination by authorities, it is common within the Roma community not to register their children. Without birth certificates they miss possibilities to exercise their basic rights such as education, health care, and social allowances.
We also campaign to raise the awareness among marginalised groups, especially Roma community members, on the necessity of civil registration. TLAS disseminates 500 copies of newsletters with legal information and other publications on the importance of civil registration.