Civil Rights Defenders Empowering Young Defenders Through Multimedia

Together with Pro LGBT and representatives from the Roma and LGBT community Civil Rights Defenders arranged a summer school on Multimedia and online activism for young NGO volunteers in Albania.

”Our support to Pro LGBT aims to strengthen the online news portal The portal is a place where young people and human rights defenders in Albania can share their stories and ideas while using it as a space for debating important human rights issues,” says Vasilika Laci Programme Officer for Civil Rights Defenders in Albania.

Groups from both Albania and Kosovo participated in the event as some of the best journalists and young filmmakers from Albania gave lectures on advocacy, constructing blogs, making short film, producing podcasts and expressing ideas through the medium of photography. The list of participating Albanian filmmakers included influential names like Mr. Blendi Salaj, Mr. Gjergj Erebera, Mr. Elton Baxhaku and Ms. Eriona Cami.

Civil Rights Defenders cooperation with “United for LGBT Cause” (Pro LGBT) in Albania aims to increase access to and awareness of relevant alternative information channels and to raise visibility regarding human rights issues in the Albanian media.

The summer school served as a meeting space where young persons could learn from each other and get inspired by their personal stories. The project is now in its third year and is gaining recognition in the areas of using media to promote human rights.

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