Call for the Establishment of a Swedish National Human Rights Institution with Adequate Resources

To Prime Minister Stefan Löfven:
Civil Rights Defenders and other civil society actors have long advocated for the establishment of an independent Swedish National Human Rights Institution. As you have recognised, we are currently facing a crisis due to the spread of COVID-19, related to its implications on people’s health and well-being, as well as its sheer impact on the economy. But at a time when human rights are increasingly being politicised and questioned, we find it more important than ever to ensure everyone’s equal rights and dignity.
We therefore emphasise that an Independent National Human Rights Institution with adequate resources must be included in the coming budget. This is needed in order to effectively protect, promote and monitor human rights. We also call on the government to do its outmost to ensure that the foundation of the institution is built on the Paris Principles and Sweden’s international human rights obligations, and that it be protected by the constitution.
Read the letter in full here (in Swedish).