Season 2 of The Human Rights Defender Podcast (Video)

We’re happy to announce the launch of the second season of The Human Rights Defender; a podcast series which looks at the lives and work of brave individuals standing up for our human rights. In Season 1, we published 8 episodes with human rights activists, lawyers and independent journalists from across the Western Balkans, which you can listen to here.
In Season 2, aside from being available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, we will also be publishing episodes via Civil Rights Defenders’ Youtube channel. A key reason for this is that, where possible, we will be conducting face-to-face video interviews. Another novelty in this season will be to broaden out from the Western Balkans to cover human rights issues across Europe, and beyond.
Episode 3: Global State of Play with Mary Lawlor
Heading an office which communicates with hundreds of HRDs across the world, Mary Lawlor, UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders, offers us a picture of the challenges to defending human rights in times of global crisis.
Episode 2: Poland’s Stand for Equality
We travelled to Warsaw to sit with two renowned human rights defenders on the morning of the biggest civil protest Poland has seen in decades. On October 31st, 100,000s took to the streets to protest a humiliating ban on abortions. Julia Maciocha, President of Warsaw Pride, and Bart Staszewski, LGBTI activist and film director, tell us how human rights have been systematically degraded in Poland and the long road ahead to equality.
Episode 1: Women Human Rights Defenders
What are WHRDs? How does their position differ from their male counterparts, and what additional pressures do they face in their lives and work? Marking the International Women Human Rights Defenders Day (29 November) we’re speaking about WHRDs and the increasing precarious role they play in fighting inequality and injustice worldwide. Guests: Nurcan Baysal, Journalist (Turkey) Galina Arapova, Director, Mass Media Defence Centre (Russia).