Civil Rights Defenders new member of the platform CONCORD Sweden

On 22 September, Civil Rights Defenders was elected as a new member of the platform CONCORD Sweden. The member organisations in the platform work together for a more just and sustainable world by influencing Swedish and European foreign and development policies.
“We are happy to now be one of many strong member organisations in CONCORD Sweden. It is a natural step for Civil Rights Defenders. Especially now, when democracy is declining around the world, and the space for civil society is shrinking. There is a great need for common voices that push for human rights to be respected”, says Anders L. Pettersson, Executive Director at Civil Rights Defenders.
Together with Civil Rights Defenders, the organisations 2022 Initiative Foundation, Framtidsjorden and SWEDO were also elected as members at the board meeting in September. CONCORD Sweden now consists of 76 members.
CONCORD Sweden is one of the 28 national platforms and 23 international networks that make up CONCORD Europe, the European confederation of Relief and Development non-governmental organisations, which gathers in total 2600 European development organisations.