Press Clippings – Hate Crimes against Roma EU Migrants in Malmö

Here is a collection of press clippings about the project “Tackling Anti-Gypsyism against Roma EU Migrants in Malmö”.
2020-12-23: Tidningen Syre
2020-12-08: ETC
2020-12-08: P4 Malmöhus
2020-12-08: P4 Malmöhus (the clip starts after 2 hours and 33 minutes).
2019-12-05: Sveriges Radio Sörmland. The clip is no longer available.
2019-10-26: Omni
2019-10-26: P4 Malmöhus
2019-10-26: SVT Nyheter Skåne
2019-10-26: SVT Nyheter Skåne
2019-09-01: Expressen
2019-07-04: Svenska Dagbladet
2019-06-12: Dagen
2019-06-12: Sveriges Radio – Radio Romano
2019-06-12: Sydsvenskan
2019-06-11: SVT Nyheter Skåne – news broadcast. The clip is no longer available.
2019-06-11: SVT Nyheter Skåne
2019-06-11: Sydsvenskan
2019-06-11: Sveriges Radio P4 kristianstad
2019-04-08: SVT Nyheter Skåne
2019-04-04: Skånska Dagbladet

* The contents of this project are the sole responsibility of Civil Rights Defenders and Skåne City Mission and do not reflect the opinion of the European Commission.