They Risk Their Lives for Human Rights – Now They’re Coming to Stockholm

Being a human rights defender is often isolating and dangerous. But, for a few days in Stockholm, 150 human rights defenders from around the world will gather for “Defenders’ Days,” a conference hosted by Civil Rights Defenders. Among the attendees are family members of people who have been victims of enforced disappearances or executed in Syria, democracy activists from Venezuela, and environmental advocates from South Sudan. What unites them is their commitment to human rights – one of the world’s most crucial yet dangerous fields of work.
Defenders’ Days is one of the foremost conferences worldwide for human rights defenders. It offers a secure environment where these advocates can meet, share, and learn from each other. It’s a chance to recharge and take a break from the threats and dangers many of them face in their home countries.
“We’re seeing the alarming numbers of how dangerous it is to stand up for democracy and human rights; people are threatened, imprisoned, and killed for fighting for a better world. Now, for a few days in Stockholm, they have the chance to set aside these threats, enhance their skills, and return home with renewed strength,” says John Stauffer, acting Executive Director of Civil Rights Defenders.
Strengthening each other
During the week, journalists, lawyers, environmentalists, Indigenous rights advocates, and LGBTI+ activists from all over the world will come together. Here, they’ll participate in trainings on topics ranging from digital security to mental health, join panel discussions, and meet with policymakers and civil society representatives in Sweden. And most importantly, they’ll connect, share experiences, and build their networks.
“The energy this conference gives our participants is incredible. Those of us working for democracy and human rights need to come together, to learn and inspire one another; we are all part of a vital global movement,” adds John Stauffer.
Defenders’ Days, which began in 2013, takes place annually in Stockholm. This year, the event welcomes around 150 participants from 50 different countries.
Read more about Defenders’ Days here.